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  • on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development
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Data Revolution Launch



Global Pulse is working with UNAIDS to support the assessment of HIV prevention and reducing stigma and discrimination through analysis of social media data, and comparing the findings with clinical data. The results will be utilized to showcase use of social media for measuring prevention and advocacy campaigns around HIV and assessing results of interventions.

The objective of this project is to support programmatic activities on HIV in Brazil including the Zero Discrimination Campaign, by showcasing insights and documenting lessons learned from using social media in this particular development area. Social media data is being explored in the 2 following ways:

1. Monitoring public uptake of discrimination and prevention campaign related messages.
2. Understanding if social media can be used to infer HIV related indicators, by comparing social media data with clinical data and statistics.

See the Dashboard



The Nigerian Government has committed $1.2 billion USD to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. In an effort to regulate and most effectively use this funding, the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the Millennium Development Goals (OSSAP-MDGs) created the Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS). Through this scheme, matching grants are given to Local Government Areas (LGAs) to be used for funding approved projects and programmes geared to reducing poverty and improving education and health.

In order to support the CGS, and as part of their goal to promote the use of data in the local planning process, OSSAP-MDGs undertook a rigorous, geo-referenced, baseline facility inventory across Nigeria in 2010 (113 LGAs) and 2012 (661 LGAs), with an additional survey to increase coverage in 2014. The aim of this survey effort was to collect data for all of the nation’s health, education and water facilities. This data will ensure informed decision making and implementation in local, state and federal interventions aimed at achieving the MDGs.

The end result is this online portal, the Nigeria MDG Information System (NMIS).

Visit NMIS


Informing a Data Revolution project
Ensuring that the data revolution serves the post-2015 development agenda 

The Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) is a unique initiative that aims to promote the better use and production of statistics throughout the developing world. Informing a Data Revolution (IDR) is a PARIS21 project working with national statistical systems to produce better data for better development. Financed by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the project consists of several interrelated components:

Road Map: Launching in mid-2015, the Road Map report will make the case for a data revolution in developing countries. It will identify what needs to be done and how, and estimate how much it might cost.
Country Studies: PARIS21 is studying statistical systems in 27 countries and has launched in-depth studies in 7 countries.
Innovations Inventory: An inventory of case studies to identify and explore solutions that can fill data gaps, reduce costs and improve efficiency so that more and better data effectively contribute to improving people’s lives.
IDR Metabase: A compilation of data on the organisation, management and performance of national statistical systems to provide new insights for a data revolution.
Declaration for a Data Revolution: A declaration supported by a wide range of stakeholders will be at the heart of the IDR project’s advocacy programme.

VIDEO: demonstration of the IDR Metabase of national statistical systems and the IDR Innovations Inventory

Explore the Metabase

Explore the Innovation Inventory


Statistics South Africa has a vision to be “Your leading partner in quality statistics”. Their beta site presents data in a more accessible and friendly manner, with interactive maps, ticker tape of latest datasets and dynamic charts.

Visit Stats SA


U-report is a free SMS social monitoring tool and real-time information system for community participation, designed to strengthen community-led development, citizen engagement, and positive change.

SMS polls and alerts are sent out to U-reporters and real-time response information is collected. Results and ideas are shared back with the community. Issues polled include among others health, education, water, sanitation and hygiene, youth unemployment, HIV/AIDS, disease outbreaks; social welfare sectors. Data received can be disaggregated by age, gender, States, LGAs, Wards and settlements in real time. Registration is voluntary with SMS free to the users across all networks.

Learn more about U-report and the data revolution

Visit the U-report Nigeria page to see interactive polls results and more

Visit U-report Nigeria


community networks

Cote D’Ivoire Geographic networks obtained from call logs (a) and mobility traces (b).Color is used to indicate the community structure: nodes within the same community are represented with the same color

‘Data for Development Senegal’ is an innovation challenge open on ICT Big Data for public good. Following the ‘D4D’ in the Ivory Coast in 2013, Sonatel and the Orange Group are making anonymous data, extracted from the mobile network in Senegal, available to international research laboratories, as well as data on hours of sunshine.

Research will focus on five priority areas: health, agriculture, transport/urban planning, energy & national statistics. In April 2015, the ‘D4D Committee’, composed of members of the Universities and Institutions supporting the initiative, will select winning projects.

Find out more about the research projects that came out of the “D4D Cote D’Ivoire Challenge” 

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